
I actually enjoyed that Elimination Chamber more than the reviewer seemed to. Bray has been subtly built up as a big deal the last few months, and on the night he wins his first WWE Championship, he does so by eliminating the previous two champions with his finisher. Bray was great and he's deserved his run with the

Calling him Tracy Jordan. I'll allow it.

WWE's first film in theaters (presumably) since The Call (?) and it is based on a wrestler that the company has been openly at odds with for the better part of a year. Ol' Vinny Mac sure knows how to keep his carnival rolling.

Exactly. Dylan has gone through about six major vocal shifts, and each time he changes his style of music to accompany it. Probably through a bit of internal reflection and an understanding of his limiting songwriting prowess, he's adopted the character of aging crooner on his last legs. It has been a fantastic new

I don't care what anyone says. Bob Dylan is my favorite artist, and I'd rather have him recording beautiful standards than nothing at all. One day, he'll stop recording, and that will be a very sad day.

That was episode was an experience. It was almost unreal in how terrible it was.

I was born in the '93, so I wasn't barraged by the Dorf commercials. And yes, I think the character was directed towards conservative white guys, but that doesn't make Tim Conway some unfunny nobody. As a kid, I watched him in re-runs of Married with Children, Yes Dear, The Carol Burnett Show, and his Disney movies.

Does this reviewer really not know Tim Conway / think that the height (ahem) of Tim Conway's humor is a midget joke? The guy is a comic genius.

20- minute promo spot. They have to give 20 minutes to a Stephanie McMahon emasculation segment and an additional 25 for Triple H's entrance.

I like that Dean's Room song. I'm guessing she'll be doing her own shows when Waxahatchee comes to Austin with The New Pornographers. It's still gonna be a great show.

Said no casting director ever.

"I was so busy being a hateful guy, I forgot to cure my boneitis."


Hey man, that's the millenial life. Direct message me when we're supposed to be outraged at another celebrity.

The only one he really likes is the one he most wants to be inside.

Maybe she made a chicken cutlet or a nice steak for his breakfast. Hell, maybe it was just some eggs and pancakes dude.

I remember trying to feel human again. It gets in the way of my self pity and ever growing sense of importance in a world that isn't smart enough for me. I'm going back to post on Twitter.

You got yourself a good one there Doctuar.

I thought this might be a poison-ous TV show, but it's seems pretty sweet, like candy…ahem…girl.

Well, I just hope he's all reich.