
Tonight I'll Be Staying Here With You - Bob Dylan(if I had a good 8 years)
Pedestrian at Best - Courtney Barnett
God Only Knows - The Beach Boys
Good Night - The Beatles (as my helicopter flies me back to Texas)
In a Big Country - Big Country (I think this song is beautiful)
Fight The Power - Public Enemy (fuck who ever

You've brought me much joy with the term "wiener kid." I think Blank Check's dad is also dead. Now I'm sad.

Ah, a good ol' fashioned Inferno match. Undertaker was busy trying to retrieve his father's green smoke ashes from Rikishi, who stole them for da Rock.

Looks like shrimped JUST MADE THE LIST!

I first saw him as the bad guy from Blank Check. Really good character actor. He had a true intimidating presence and voice. Hope to see him back in Twin Peaks.

Not even one mention of the Heartbreak kid? I mean, I'm almost 100% sure he was dog shit in this movie, but still.

Dude, nothing is original.

I believe he was cheating with Abby Elliot when she was on SNL at the time. What do I know? I'm just frightened monster waiting for time to stop so I can have a shot at this life.

Toby Keith is a jabroni and a mark for himself. All he does is use cheap pops to get himself over with America. His gimmick is stale, but that "Redneck Retard" character has been taking off recently. I'd love to see him against Ted Nugent in a "Coal Miner's Fading Job Security on a Pole" Match.

What are you talking about? The only freelance photographers in New York I know are guys like Peter Parker and Eddie Brock. Obviously, neither of those clowns are Spider-Man. He's a dream and a half.

He was taking a bite, and his entire jaw locked.

Netflix sure streams a good ham.

Some necks are thicker than others, and some necks have either a polished (lacquered and sealed) finish or a more natural (either light lacquer or a more grain wood). The gun oil finish for St. Vincent's signature makes sliding up and down the neck not only easier, but the width of the neck, for my hands, makes

I've played her previous MM signature at a Guitar Center. The tone is amazing and the neck feels really fucking good. A Fender Jaguar and the "Thin White Duke" model are the last two guitars I want. Although, that Wine Red model she's playing also looks nice.

Don't forget that he was a CUCK BOI!!!!!

Is the fact that this went on for 7 minutes supposed to be anti-funny-into funny? Because it wasn't. And that Santa was the least funny person in the video. I know we all like the Stranger Things kids, but do we need to highlight a video this lame?

I meant that DC took it's universe more seriously. Not grim, but they always tried to ground their characters, even when it's hokey. Marvel embraced real life problems for their characters because it's subversion. The universe is way more loose and lax, because it treats itself as jokey.

Exactly. DC has always been a little more serious with their universe, but it's still comics. Look at the success of their cartoon universes, and tell me how an authentic, light-hearted take on their characters is somehow the bad idea?

It would've been better if they had the Suicide Squad forming to knock off dictators or low level superheroes around the world, like in the comic series. The whole point of the group was to assemble low level villains to do the dangerous work the special forces couldn't. They weren't assembled to keep the World's
