
I don't give a fuck bro. Brittany Amber is awesome, best eyes in the biz, and I'll watch her pretend to be Sarah Palin and getting fucked by Donald Trum….

Well, someone's gotta perform "Satisfaction" and "You Can't Always Get What You Want."


Who wants to die young? China messed that one up bro.

You live in a home? How retro. I live in the now.

You drive? Man, we've got one planet. I cut down on carbon emissions a long time ago. Now I only take an Uber places. Use all the social security you want, I'll just mine some bitcoins and let Bernie to pay for my college.

tl;dr lol bro #failosophy if it needs more than 140 characters, than you're just trying to look smart. Grow down Grandpa.

Definitely that unremarkable. He is the same in every sketch. Boring and just there.

Lots of people live long lives too. Especially smartassed punks.

All I know is I'll be alive, and your body will feed the bugs and dirt, that will in turn feed the plants and animals that I will kill and eat to survive.

Man, I totally remember Mankind in Chef Boyardee commercials!

I was six and am not infinitely old like the rest of this site.

"I've got the biggest gates, I'm telling you. I've got the best demons,I really do."

Sounds like she's doing great Marjorie. Thanks for the heads up.

Duh, ya goof! This movie stars Neon Leon Sandcastle. Totally different player.

*Internet backs up from table and pulls chair to refrigerator; internet stand on chair; internet opens freezer door to grab ice cream*

I love this casting. Ewan McGregor is the kind of actor built for the kind of tonal shifts Fargo likes playing with.

I'll allow you to maintain a winning record against Blue Demon. Oh wait, that's impossible. BLUE DEMON WHIPPED YOUR ASS PENDEJO! DON'T FORGET!

Are you kidding me? They're cartoons. Kids feel bad about their bodies because kids are dicks and pick on each other, and then their hormones are kicking in and they want to be muscular, thinner, taller, prettier to attract good looking people. It has nothing to do with whether or not Daria wears boots that actually

You know what he did to those kids right? He's a sick fuck and so are you.