
Her claim rests on this:

With a digging, I found that Jennifer’s little precious is currently at UC Davis, which has about a 40% acceptance rate.

I don’t know a more embarrassing OJ to come out of USC.

It’s a shame crew team members don’t have numbers. Olivia Jade could have same number as another distinguished OJ from USC:

Tsk, tsk. Sullying the Tanner name.

Now playing

There was a Reba tribute maybe 9 years ago that had a bunch of women covering Reba’s songs for her. Obviously, Kelly was the best. (However, I can not explain the bell bottoms or her weird, soccer mom bob)

I actually am interested in trying those recipes. I feel like they are fewest ingredients I’ve seen on her site. Especially the kale and sweet potato one.

I’m not sure I would have done much better either, and I can’t understand the shock re buying limes and cilantro. And at least in South Texas, limes are usually 7-10/$1.00, and the cilantro I bought yesterday was $.28/bunch, so neither is particularly extravagant and would probably be staples in lots of even very

I really genuinely DO love her voice though. Her speaking voice. Is she no longer taking compliments?

Right there with you. Good lord.

Things that make you go... oooo...


Yep. I did the same thing and INSTANTLY regretted my choice.


Wait is Marc Jacobs the one with the stalker that shows up every once in awhile claiming he ripped off her designs??


That bothered me too! Why didn't Claire tell her that he left? That whole scene made me insane. Also, when Geillis said she didn't send the note, I would have Roadrunnered my ass outta there.

I will never stop loving this gif.