Nicholas Johnson

It's cools his D.

“God damn it, Glenn. You’re holding up the assembly line! Have you seen our clients? Those clits don’t have to be perfect.”

They should really release a smaller, less obvious sensor for the night life: FLIRt.

There are welfare checks that need to go out! And all those muslim refugees need free housing so they can rape their women in peace!

The Hoffmeister kink makes the side profile look really awkward.

Because it’s only made in Austrailia, and import fees are a bitch?

Because they already have enough product lines?

Because the Five Hundred nameplate is already associated with dismal Jacques Nasser-era craptastic decisions?

I giggled, but to be fair, the kid lost all respect when he/his parents glimpsed the potential for money/suing everyone.

Well, looks like somebody is visiting from Gawker, ground zero for smug cuntiness! Welcome!

Buy out Jezebel. Fire everybody. Hire all men. Pay them double.

Goddamn O’Bummer so worried about taking our guns away, that he’s letting China land planes on islands!

The greatest most magnificent paint job of them all!

Woefully unprepared? Correct me if I’m wrong, but aren’t the vast majority of these ships foreign flagged with huge loads of foreign containers? I’d say we’re well-prepared.

Keep your guns oiled and your ammo dry, because anyone interested in freedom is going to need them in the relatively near future. The UN is not going to dictate what kind of car I can drive.

I'd rather buy a BMW hooned by Clarkson than a Camaro driven by a Jalopnik employee are just so angry and desperate to say something against Fox, that you randomly pull it out of your ass for this story? Even though only CBS was mentioned in it.

Cheaper solution is to nuke the entire middle east

I’ll give him about tree fiddy.

In b4 $kay