Nicholas Johnson

Jason, that’s nobody’s business but the Turks....

Soon we’ll be letting emotional support cars on planes.

The Kursk is quieter.

I just want to pick up so many women that they have to call it a Bra Bus.

So no more gizmodo linked on facebook? 

Omg, yes fuck you Susan Sarandon. I hope you enjoy clinging to your ideological purity while Trump guts this country and drags us back to 1851 or whenever he believes America was great before.

Haha, once again American fat asses prove to be German kryptonite!

So they cut out a useless middleman. Sounds like good business to me.

This. More Harris, less Evans, please. In fact, all Harris, no Evans.


Jalopnik, is there something I should know?

First rule of a hit-and-run: Don’t hit so hard that you’re unable to run.

Hopefully folks get their news from multiple sources. Not just Facebook, or Gawker for that matter. But I suspect not.

Good, let’s keep the hipsters over there

Are they asking corporations to pull out of the dem convention?

Boo Fuckin Hoo

I get it. The car has a ridiculously long title, so the article about the car must also have a ridiculously long title. Nice.

But they pressed on! Because how humiliating would it be if they gave up in front of the French?

Trump is exactly what America needs and wants now.

Whoa, hey now, don’t be pointing out that it’s 100% Negros patting themselves on the back taking selfies after terrorizing an Asian neighborhood, might make some liberal tears come out. They are just poor disadvantaged youth blah blah.