Some Other Dude Now

Man, it's already a stigma. Your friends just don't want to tell you that you look like a drug dealer…


So much jowlier…

As Ripley said to the android Bishop

The Green Lantern comics have that problem a lot. Sinestro is a complex character with often heroic motivations, but they weren't planning that in the 60's when they gave him that name. Hell, we are at times meant to sympathize with the leader of the Red Lanterns, Atrocitus.

Those both meet the aforementioned cuteness threshold.

*Ahem* Snuffulupagi

Call me when "tit's there" isn't just a typo…

I, for one, am extremely curious about how the whole Young Griff storyline shakes out. And there's no way that gets told in the show at this point…

I'm frequently nude and characterful at the same time…

My name is in an issue of this magazine because a friend and I beat Ocarina of Time with 3 hearts and zero continues. I'm sure I still have the issue somewhere, but I have no idea where since there's a period of over a year where they dedicate a significant amount of space to the huge number of people who did the

I didn't see this one. Was it good? The cast looked promising, but that doesn't always count for much in animation, and it looked really dumb…

Y'know, I hate that douchebag as much as the next commenter who hates that douchebag, but I have to give him this: Lots of famous actors have spent time trying to convert that fame into rock stardom. Jared Leto is literally the only one ever to succeed. As crummy as they were with hindsight, Thirty Seconds To Mars had

But… but… Pokemon Snap….

The number of times I backflipped into the lava waterfall in the volcano in Mario 64 because if you did it just right you unlocked Luigi…

If only we'd known he'd end up as Peanut Butter, the Dressed Up Dog…

Onionhead til I die!!

We don't take kindly to folks that don't take kindly round here…

Things we were happiest to learn: an episode of Pokemon gave a bunch of kids seizures. Really? Happy about that one?

Oh, just because she's a woman she needs to escort?