
Theoretically, if the majority of a group is discriminatory against minority groups, common sense would be discriminatory.

Common sense. What you use to imply that your viewpoint is a universal law.

It seems like this is a strategy specifically designed to make an impossible catch 22 for doctors where any option they choose involves breaking a law. They’re either violating HIPAA or in contempt of the senate

Yes, but it’s a lot of money to spend fighting for a label on a subject that most people are uninformed about. If you read the ingredients of a food, chances are you don’t understand the biochemical justifications for all of the different things on it, but a lot of people still make choices based on how many scary

So like usual, actual science loses in favor of personal opinions about what scientific fact is.

It would be at least beneficial to include a section on how the VR experience compares to the experience without VR, once they have enough access to VR tools at Kotaku.

It seems like it would actually be fun on VR because of the experience. And if you can afford VR technology for a tiny number of games to choose from, you can probably afford to drop cash on this VR game.

Probably because it was one of the earliest examples of obnoxious and unnecessary dlc which we would come to be inundated with.

I’d enjoy a mod for DSIII that makes it look like it runs off VHS tape. If only for the comedy value.

Some countries actually require that you pay them to use the name or design of weapons / military equipment that they have.

Don’t own one.

This explains why I couldn’t buy it to play with a friend.

I see someone is upset that their sarcasm was challenged. What fun.

Most people don’t know anything about that law, so it’d probably be better to not use it sarcastically when people are going to think you actually need to use it for any abortion or something.

Sarcasm is better with an element of medical accuracy.

I bet if you gave someone a bucket full of Mifeprex, the toxicity would cause serious repercussions.

In an ideal world, all console games would come out on pc and all pc games would come out on console so that no one would have to make a decision on purchasing based on accessibility to games.

It definitely felt like I was actually making an impact with the sword, which was cool. A lot of games I feel like I’m going through people without any resistance, which is cool if it’s a lightsaber or something I guess.

If I learned anything from highschool, it’s that this sort of thing is done as an excuse to avoid dealing with actual problems. “Hey we stopped doing mixed gender swim class. Now no one will cause problems because guys and girls won’t be in the same room together.”

Technically, men are the ones who are more limited in where they’re allowed to go now.