History is very repetitious, and the condition of the world is pretty constant honestly. Despite what my grandparents think.
History is very repetitious, and the condition of the world is pretty constant honestly. Despite what my grandparents think.
Yelling angrily in German has worked for me usually.
It was one of the better examples, especially for the time. There were a very small number of Wii games in which I felt that the game would have been worse without motion control, because I seriously enjoyed how it played.
Locked opponent combat would be bad for something like Mount and Blade where you’re fighting armies and such.
I’d be okay with them not offering a product that’s directly proven to be unhealthy for people.
It would be interesting if devs dedicated small teams of new employees and people who have finished their part of a new game to update old games with content.
Isn’t Dragon Age Inquisition an inferior version of Dragon Age: Origins?
I enjoyed Two Worlds for being a broken mess and being able to revive entire cities of slave-allies for fun.
Oh no, that’s perfectly fine. If there’s anything I’ve learned in medical school, Jews are the most likely demographic of about half of the shit we learn about.
Assuming it was even someone’s job to do that.
Remember, each major party in the US controls about an equal number of US voters. The independents actually have a disproportionate electoral power if you assume that those equal demographics of republicans and democrats usually won’t vote outside party lines.
They would likely argue that reducing unplanned pregnancy is the responsibility of an individual to not have sex and therefore refuse to provide services for it.
Oh it will be, in emergency rooms at a loss by doctors. In a cost inefficient manner that wastes resources on issues that could be dealt with better in outpatient primary care.
Technically, they’re not being unbor- oh I see what you meant.
Don’t encourage them to ban medicine itself. We don’t need a republican induced dark age.
State and local elections. The federal thing is federal, which people think is more important.
Yea but your dead Tay Sachs kid gets to go to heaven if they’ve been good for a few years, which makes it worth it.
As far as I was aware, bio-waste was burned anyway in the first place, so I don’t see how this would actually achieve anything unless they’re legally binding women to keep the 1 ash speck from the tiny bundle of cells.
Too bad we live in a theocracy.
It’s a good thing I only come to Kinja sites for the silliness.