
Only cheapskates go Persian, Corinthian rectum all the way!

I’m coming to the belief that Michael Bay is kind of the equivalent of flour. I don’t want to eat it by itself but it’s in a lot of stuff I really like.

That is a $200.00 dollar plasma screen TV you just killed!!!

Explains a lot about Yelp!

I don’t care what brand, when you put on too much cologne you might as well have stuffed your underpants with kitty litter and old potpourri, it’s equally repellent.

I’m of the school that you blast a couple puffs in the air then walk through it.

I HATE Target is trying so adamantly to class up their shit now. They were my go to for comfortable reasonably priced clothing but now that their trying to get all pseudo designer chic I don’t like the gear nor would it be something I can afford.

I HATE Target is trying so adamantly to class up their shit now. They were my go to for comfortable reasonably

How ‘back then’ are we talking Whiskey? I’m lacking context.

Yea I got excoriated by my niece’s best friend for asking if we were listening to Nicki Minaj when I was driving them home the other day. I think that may be a metric of your old-ness when new music just all sounds the same to you.

Think your description was pretty spot on Whiskey. Sounds kind of like dollar store Tom Petty to me.

I did enjoy some horrifically bad ‘clean’ versions of some songs from her new album I heard this DJ spin on Saturday. I don’t know where in the ever loving fuck he got them from but all the dicey language was covered up by a Will Ferrell sounding dude saying ICED TEA. It was quite amusing.

Can’t really fathom any positive outcomes from blindly injecting things into your ass. Although I suppose it depends on your endgame.

Always gonna be assholes who exploit desperate people unfortunately.

Will I be amused if I look up his band or should I satisfy myself with the amusement I feel from just knowing that he did/does in fact have a band?