
Sony seem to have this mentality lately of “we have sold more consoles so fuck our customers they bought them anyway so why do good things?” Not a good long term game plan . MS seem the best lately in terms of giving owners what they want which surprises no one more than myself. Nintendo finally seemcto be listening

nah, man, you gotta shake up the ESTABLISHMENT. can’t have some fuggin’ DOCTOR tellin’ you what to do - they’ve been tellin’ us what to do for YEARS with our bodies and see where it’s gotten it us? fuckin’ nowhere. all the speedruns have hit their limits, my dude. you want to break the 40 minute barrier on pokemon

Fantastic idea. It’s always good to see positivity in the nerd world, as it’s filled with so damn much negativity!

All those options and no Johnny 5?!

Now playing

Mick Gordon is composing the new theme, and the entire Soundtrack.