
In the late 90's and early 00's I thought it would be normal to see artists like Vrenna and Reznor scoring games but it never quite panned out. Of course Reznor is too busy winning awards for scoring movies now but after getting a taste with the original Quake it would be great to see more cross-overs between bands

Yeah don’t blame you, some new material would be nice. It wasn’t cheap either but it was worth it and I discovered 3Teeth in the process. They would be great on a video game with a dark atmosphere!

I actually forgot about his work on NFS. He’s done a few other games like Alice: Madness Returns and Quake 4.

Ha! Yeah no kidding. I remember thinking the set list wasn’t much different in 2016 from the last time I saw them in 2003 except they played a few even older songs from Opiate this time.

Definitely capable! This reminds me, I still need to pick up The Old Blood..

Yep totally agree, definitely influenced. I got to see Tool again in Jan. with 3Teeth and Primus so I’ve been listening to quite a bit of this kind of music again lately, It will be nice to play some Doom while listening like the old days!

It does sound like Tool but it’s actually Chris Vrenna who worked with Nine Inch Nails in the 90's and has his own project “Tweaker”. Hopefully they get him back for this one but I haven’t heard anything.