Only if Diggle doesn’t beat her to it.
Only if Diggle doesn’t beat her to it.
Magic Plastic Surgery, it runs on the same gimmickry as the Mission Impossible Movies do.
They already tied Maggie to Supergirl and her actress won’t be back so that’s not happening. As for Renee, I guess because she was in a movie she’d not usable now.
They do have cops, it’s just that they’re all Crows and like only two of them are actual characters.
If Alice is going to continue to be a thing after this season I would imagine yes.
I’ll give this show one thing, Kate and Sophie do actually have chemistry together. It’s just a shame that it’s been tarnished by all the shit that Sophie’s done.
Yeah this episode sure happened, I don’t even know what to say since pretty much nothing of it stuck around for me. I do agree about Crisis, that really should have been a season finale event that every show was building towards instead of something that was just a thing.
Well hey, if the show’s all about being overcomplicated now, why shouldn’t we?
Until then we’ve probably got the plot of “Where did The Doctor actually come from?”
Alright Doctor Who you got me, it all tied together. Not perfectly and most of what led up to it wasn’t good, but they mostly stuck the landing. This version of The Master is great and I hope we haven’t seen the last of him.
No they’re right, because they did try to pair Ollie and Laurel up for the longest time regardless of the no chemistry, and they tried to pair Kara and Jimmy despite the negative chemistry. They did drop both eventually but still, they pushed them for all of their first seasons
*Wags her finger at Alice* “Ohhhhhhhh just you know the next time you do something I’m going to throw insults at you and not try to arrest you at all, just like before.”
It’s not even like the Vampire craze ended, on the same channel as this we have a spinoff from a long running show about Vampires.
Well, this was disappointing. On the one hand there was no sexual assault like there was in Nocturna arc from the comics which is a very big plus. On the negative side, she wasn’t a Vampire? That’s lame. Considering most of Kate’s rogues gallery are supernatural based I don’t have high hopes for the future.
Unless the actress now looks much older it probably would have been fine.
Mon-El was, I don’t know about Reign though.
This was actually kind of fun, nice to have all the call backs to the earlier seasons and nice to see Mon-El and Otis and even Reign again. And I’m also glad that we did not see Ruby or James again. No. 1 & 2 in cameos that I don’t wish to see.
Should have just let Percy Shelley die. I was hoping that after all that happened last week the Doctor would have had some kind of plan for getting the Cyberium back but no. Her equipment was all useless and everyone just ran for their lives.
Well if that is true it would have been nice for them to have mentioned all that.
I think the Doctor and companions are all great but they never give any of them a chance to shine.