
Yeah I hated how they ended the show. A huge portion of the show was about Rebecca finding something that makes her happy, and after all the build to finding out that she liked writing songs and plays they just showed that revelation to the final 20 minutes of the finale and instead focused “Who will she choose?” And

To be fair how many of those people does Ollie even know about? I doubt he brought back Katana’s husband & son, Shado and the lady from Season 4 Flashbacks either.

Ah, well I don’t watch that anymore.

He even said as much in the opening monologue for this episode.

That’s assuming it’s even John Stewart/Diggle that they go with.

Well, that’s that I guess. This show had a few ups, many more downs. But I enjoyed some of it. I was nice to see so many people from the show back here after all this time. I guess everyone got their happy ending after all.

That’s common occurrence on this show. Like Max Lord and Lucy Lane And Kara & Alex’s Dad.

They don’t usually mention previews in these reviews but that’s where the “There can only be one” bit came from.

She’s basically this shows equivilent of Bette Kane/Flamebird so she may have a costume in her future.

Nothing, she just ended up with the wrong people as her family.

When given the choice between the Empty Airplane Hanger of Justice and the Unfinished Attic of Justice it was an easy choice for Kara and Co.

Everybody but her DID know. There were people from alternate universes and planets who knew well before she did.

It’s mostly an issue over people not trusting her. Not a great motivation but it’s there.

I didn’t like them as a couple but yeah, Kara and Mon-El did have good chemistry together.

I would guess that Jonn just remembered that he had an attic he wasn’t using (No way this thing was hidden with the high ceiling and the balcony) and decided to throw together the secret base aspect like a day or so before he told the others. That or he spent most of his budget on that elevator.

He’s been on Arrow for several years now looking like he did when he was on Doctor Who & Torchwood.

I’m sure the answer if it comes up is going to “Exactly like her.”

I never particularly liked Winn but I did like seeing him again with Kara and Alex. They had some nice moments.

I remember them doing a miscarriage story with Bette & Tina in the first season of the original show. They spent most of the season on it and the fallout from it. And then we have the one here where the writers apparently didn’t know how to end the Shane/Quiera in a way that didn’t make Shane look bad (Or worse than

I actually like the idea of having two Beth’s running around at the same time. They make a good mirror to each other. Of course as it appears Good Beth won’t be sticking around so alas. Was also nice seeing Mary interacting Beth, she finally has a sister who likes spending time with her.