
I would certainly hope so.

I’m not sure what to think about this episode. On the one hand Captain Jack! And the revelation about Ruth being the Doctor being interesting. On the other hand the Jack stuff had nothing to do with the rest of the episode and there wasn’t a whole lot of room to breathe with the Doctor Ruth revelation. I hope they go

The fact that he didn’t do anything in this episode and the fact that Dinah apparently has the tech support role.

I guess we’ll see but I doubt either would stick around for long.

It’s Arrow without most of the characters since Diggle & Felicity won’t be there either.

I think we have the big question everyone had about how involved William was going to be in the spinoff, and the answer seems to be “Not all that much”. I’m sure if Connor’s going to be around it’s so he can love triangle it up with Mia & JJ.

I’m not really sold on this because it just feels like more Arrow but with different characters, but I guess we’ll see if/when this gets picked up. There is a bit of an intriguing idea in Mia getting her memories back and having her whole life thrown by it (Which you could say about all the shows really) but I don’t


Ok first off this show can fuck off with this “Break off your relationships and keep secrets” story they’re doing with Brainiac, these are never good and they never pay off well. Arrow’s not even off the air yet and the writers are already nostalgic for it.

I was weary about this show taking a stab at another non-cis character and I see was right to be. It’s not quite at Max’s level but I guess there’s still time to make it worse.

I suppose it’s been seized by the cops, paid for by ill gotten gains from Catherine’s company or something like that.

It was when they went into Tesla’s Workshop in the city.

They did make the Tesla joke though.


A bit heavy handed but the message is quite true. I liked the kid too and would have been fine with her sticking around as part of the group.

I honestly figured that this episode would have Edison be the villain and also have it be because aliens, but that didn’t happen. Edison in the grand scheme of things was just there to provide commentary on Tesla’s situation.

They made references to that but they stopped after the end of season 1 so it may not be the case anymore.

Well I guess they got to have their cake and eat it too, they merged the Supergirl & Black Lightning Earth’s into Earth-1 and all the others just went back to being in existence. I’m still not convinced that this won’t cause problems down the line with the story beats that Supergirl & Black Lightning have (There being

If the Canaries spinoff gets picked up than yes.

Why was the Ezra Miller Flash here other than Warner Bros apparently saying “Fuck it” and letting them acknowledge it. It was so random and in the end it meant nothing.