
Man, so long Kara, of someone who was so stupidly fun would be killed off.

Sure, but it would have helped if they had said that or had some kind of follow up scene with the crane dude afterwards.

FP wasn’t in jail but that point, he was just dicking around.

It would have been faster.

Certainly but I wouldn’t want everyone standing around and hemming and hawing and otherwise doing nothing to help you.

They do, they’re carnivores.

Club Music, whatever.

Yeah that looks fine.

She told him he just set off five bombs in his head and threw him his teleporter device and told him to go home, which he did when he got kicked off the crane.

Yeah I don’t think the show wanted us agreeing with the business asshole but that’s what happened.

He wasn’t killed, he teleported right after he got shoved off the crane. Which makes the Doctor’s annoyance with that even more out of place.

Well if Lena knows they’ve covered it up really well because they’ve made her look like a huge idiot for not knowing.

He is quite good at playing that kind of role.

It’s certainly faster.

Like I guess this was better then the alternative of just having everyone standing around fretting all episode but three episodes in seemed like a strange time to give the bad guy backstory, especially since the mask didn’t really lead to anything. Also if they wanted me to think of Agent Liberty as really pathetic

OK they suffocate then, still a terrible slow way to die. And as you said super large spiders can’t survive long, as the big one in the ballroom was. If that one was suffering then how do you think the others are going to feel?

Spiders have lungs though. And either way unless they destroyed the panic rooms air conditioner suffocation wouldn’t matter anyway because they’d died from starvation first.

Suffocation is still a slow death regardless of the species.

Yeah Yaz didn’t really throw out any comments on her sexuality in this episode, just shut down that she was seeing the Doctor or Ryan.

Yeah there’s nothing particularly humane about letting the spiders all starve to death in the panic room unless they were supposed to eat the canned good in there, which I don’t see happening.