
Well I don’t know if there was a fun to do those scenes but yeah.

I can’t believe that fucking Dubstep saved the day.

I assumed that Pretzel’s was just going to be a stopover on Rebecca’s journey to finding a new career (And it still might be) but it definitely feels like a better fit for her then being a lawyer ever did.

She didn’t do it when she joined at the end of last season and it wasn’t brought up when they were discussing Betty’s “Issues” in this episode so I’m guessing they are pretending it never happened.

Perfectly good implies that Hiram Lodge could make anything resembling good liquor.

No she had about 5 episodes of being stalked by Cheryl so she’s still in the league.

Can you believe his longest storyline so far was his forest cruising subplot?

They seem to be all about making the audience uncomfortable (Like the Betty Strip Scene, allegedly) without any particular reason why.

The Pussycats wised up and got out of town.

I wonder when Veronica’s going to get around to the part where you need a liquor license to run a bar.

Her point was to get Anissa interested in the idea of superheroes. And then once they accomplished that they dropped her.

Yeah if this episode was dedicated to showing just how much Lowry was changing at the school besides the metal detectors then maybe it would have made sense but the school was there for all of a minute in the entire episode.

I assume the idea is to suggest there may still be hope for Khalil.

Yeah like why didn’t they introduce her normally.

Kara flipped out on Lena, not the other way around. And yeah she probably would lose Lena’s friendship but at this point it’s her own damn fault.

So guess Lena really is just that dumb and can’t notice that Kara is Supergirl. Is there any reason for Kara to have not told Lena the truth besides her apparent internalized distrust of her?

This show was way more subtle then Supergirl was though.

I think Ryan never really accepted Graham as his Grandfather and that’s kind of the state of their relationship now.

I too was worried about how this episode would turn out, but it ended up being fine in the end.

By meet you downstairs he meant the security room that’s secret entrance is up in the closet.