
Yeah Matt basically did to Fisk what Fisk has been doing to people all series long of using their loved ones against him. In this case keeping her out of jail in exchange for leaving him and his friends alone.

I mean there is the Raft but it doesn’t seem to be getting any use.

I do think there is merit in having the conversation about what you do with someone who is above the law but killing should never be one of the options.

I did in fact think that Todd was Karen’s brother (Also the goth guy she was selling drugs to) I think they would have both been more interesting choices then what we got.

Confronting Fisk was incredibly stupid of Karen but goddamn was that an intense scene.

Was Patton Oswald on this show before? Because they were acting like they knew him and I honestly do not remember being on before.

I can’t decide if she’s better or worse then Kara on Supergirl, though Kara we at least haven’t heard any of her writings so far.

No no, not diner, Speakeasy aka Basically a Bar.

Pretty Little Liars wishes it could have achieved this level of bullshit.

Because she hasn’t gotten around to hiring any employee’s.

Clearly this was the time to escape the prison.

Young Adult Jail

Retcons I guess, I mean, he’s whining to Veronica about her dating a convict when he spent all of season one in jail.

I just assumed that was from the beating.

Especially since they covered Carrie for the musical episode.

Oh and also, considering how damned awful and thoughtless this show can be at times. I am very surprised that Archie hasn’t been threatened with rape yet from his fellow prisoners (Though I guess there’s still time).

It’s a good thing you’re keeping track of who’s making whose Bones this season, although so far it’s mostly just everyone making their bones out of themselves.

Never actually dated” is what that’s supposed to say.

They actually dated was the thing, they just kind of hung out and that was it before Grace disappeared.

That could have been her I guess, I don’t recall anything about her other then her being Anissa’s girlfriend so if she was a rich singer this is news to me.