Apparently not, also all the adult Serpents are gone it seems.
Apparently not, also all the adult Serpents are gone it seems.
It's fitting that she's a member of Hiram's Evil group then. Because they're all over grown children.
Oh yeah, Little Archie is a horrible person.
I was thinking more Chicago Andrews so that way Mary is also front and central. She’s running her own law firm while Archie is working there as a gofer or something.
He can get his own Dick Wolf Spin-Off then.
Should have taken Archie with her to Chicago.
What this show knows about the law seems to vary by the moment.
You should, it’s good.
Ah I’m suprised that I’m actually glad that this dumb shit is actually back. As opposed to Supergirl which I’m still going to watch but only reluctantly.
I hope Archie goes to same prison as Ollie AND Rachel from Crazy-Ex Girlfriend AND that they become the new Suicide Squad.
I was was ambivalent about Kara in season one but now she’s got dumb gadgets and amazing not dying skills and she’s awesome now, I hope sticks around for the whole season.
I know right? It’s was like trying to watch anything on TNT.
Maybe someday they’ll do Chicago Politics and try tackling that shit show. Maybe it’ll do better then Chicago Justice (How come you didn’t talk about that one?)
Yeah I was going to say, that one’s kind of notable because its the only one that’s been cancelled so far. I think that’s pretty worth examining.
Taryn drunkenly outed herself to most of the interns at the end of last season so it’s not really a secret.
Yeah if Vik isn’t fired this time then I really don’t know what the hells going on there. Can’t really have your lawyer cousin talk your way out of that one.
Who do you think showed him how to bleach his hair?
Well this season already seems somewhat better then last year but I guess we’ll see. I suspect most of it is going to be about the Underground chasing the Hellfires while they actually get shit done and fight whoever the other main bad guys are.
Well I was close, they were semi split up by the end.
I’m starting to think that this season is going to end with the group split apart and most of season 4 will be about them reuniting.