
Of course Hitler ended up working at Subway, who hasn’t?

There’s a lot of stalling on this show, like next season they need to just have them be on the road the whole time.

Because Jesse blocked the CO extracting pipe and lit the oxygen on fire, there was a enough force from this to damage the top and allow him to escape.

Lara’s on the bus with Cassidy because the Grail have still been keeping an eye on Jesse. Also Tulips seen Jesse do far worse stuff then that so I don’t know why this would surprise her.

There’s a button to the right of where is says Discussion.

This ending made no sense, why is Luke a mobster now? It feels like it just came out of nowhere and was done purely to alienate Luke from his supporting cast. I notice that this is something that’s been done with every season 2 of the Marvel Netflix shows and I’m fully expecting that Iron Fist is going to end with

Yeah DW sucks, he added nothing to this show.

Yeah but he doesn’t need to talk to the guy to get it.

Wow Misty is a horrible cop. Like are we supposed to think she’s good at this because she breaks the rules and has nothing to show for it?

Nice ass shot from Luke, I guess the Marvel Netflix shows are doing that now?

Or she just realizes she also likes girls.

Well it seems it’s quitting time then.

Alright but what happened to his corpse then? Because Alura took the ship back home to Argo.

Well Alura used the ship to get back to Argo City with the cultists so...

Also, what happened to Chad Lowe? Did he just bleed out in the ship? Did his body go back to Argo City with Alura?

He’s still main cast for the next season.

I suppose having Sam turn out to be Bisexual would basically kill two birds with one stone.

The correct solution should have been Director Bones.

Jon: “Kara, your moms dead.”

It’s fitting that Kara didn’t acknowledge her mothers death at all considering how little she’s reacted to her since she learned she was alive.