
One more thing: This show shared a time slot with Lucifer this season and it really drove home many of the issues I had with this show when I would watch Lucifer and then watch this: This show really needs to knock it off with the constant barrage of teary balcony confessions and needs to find its fun again.

I didn’t care about any of those three dying because their deaths felt like such table clearing that I just shrugged and moved on, and then they did time travel for some reason.

Boy, did this season just go off the rails and never recover.

Considering this show already had Syd the unrepentant rapist, I can’t say I’m surprised it now has David the unrepentant rapist.

Just watch Black Lightning if you haven’t already, that ones still good.

And what makes you think that that’ll stop them?

Nobody likes William either and he’s still around.

Apparently her telling them to knock that shit off was all it took.

The only other episode where that Agent was plot relevant was the episode where Mrynn’s emotions started leaking out and causing everyone at the DEO to get super pissed and start airing their grievances with each other. The agent dude was pissed at Winn for basically coming in and stealing his job.

It worked hard to achieve this level of mediocre.

Alright so here’s my theory about how they’re going to kill off Sam: Sam’s going to take Reign back into herself because outside her body Reign is invulnerable. And then once that happens Sam somehow finds a way to die, thus clearing a path for Alex to adopt Ruby in season 4. What a load of shit.

Apparently Andrew Kreisberg’s firing had something to do with it.

People keep saying that about Legends but it just doesn’t do anything for me. All it did was go from bad to boring in it’s second and that’s when I quit.

Arrow did end it’s gun control plot by doing nothing and pretending it did something. But Supergirl ended it’s plot with the DEO disarming down to non-lethal weaponry that it’ll be equally inefficient at using.

“We created gun control legislation that does nothing! But it looks like we’re doing things so there!”

OK seriously, what the hell happened behind the scenes that lead tho this? It’s like they threw out all the scripts they for the last few episodes of this season and just rewrote some ones they made for next season and put them in this one. It’s just total garbage.

Omundson wasn’t actually god though, just possessed by him, maybe.

Welcome to Kinja yo!

Well this is certainly a better ending for this show then the cliff hanger was, it was sweet and touching and everything I wanted out of the show.

Yeah, the moment they get to Earth they all turn heel and Lena has to use her Krytonite and the Kara whines about that more and then Lena turns heel.