Not from what I’ve seen.
Not from what I’ve seen.
Guardians teamed with Supergirl in the past but that’s not the point. Cat Grant was able to figure out that James was Guardian just by looking at him, why can’t Lena?
I’ll bet you the writers forgot that was thing, just like Sam apparently forgot that fact too.
To be fair other then the fact that he exists we know nothing about Supergirls version of Batman.
This episode was actually kind of alright, and I was prepared to rip into it after the terrific Lucifer finale, but then it turned out to be OK.
I think that Lena apparently genuinely not knowing that Guardian was James puts the unfortunate nail in the coffin about Lena possibly knowing that Kara is Supergirl.
Man, they finally got Chloe and Lucifer together AND finally had Chloe learn the truth and then they FUCKING CANCELLED THE SHOW. Goddammit!
Carolyn’s characters been weird all season so I didn’t notice anything tonight. I do think that Eve’s obsession with Oksana is going to get in the way of taking out the bigger fish that are the twelve though.
And give it a proper name like the Quiver.
Yeah, in like a year, you want what’s probably going to be the last season of AOS to have like only have only five characters on it?
You should hope not, because I guarantee you anyone getting snapped is never coming back then, not when budgets can be cut even more.
Pretty much, I’m pretty sure it’s going to be all the none main character agents who get gauntleted and all that’s left are the main characters.
They’re going to Gauntlet Davis, I just know it.
It’s not, the one Curtis was in was originally Thea’s place, then Ollie & Felicity’s. The place where Ollie lives is new for this season.
So I guess Arrow Cave’s have a shelf life of 3 seasons then.
I assume the other hood is someone working for Hiram to sow chaos.
I’ll bet you that she can deliver that line better then Ollie can.
And she didn’t have to do a creepy dance to do it!
Hey! Someone can finally make use of that name.
Cheryl is a better Green Arrow then Ollie is.