
Yeah it’s kind of weird that they haven’t really touched on that fact that Ruby is part Alien.

It was like pulling teeth but Lucifer FINALLY told Chloe the truth. Now she just needs to believe him about being the Devil.

Just because it’s boring doesn’t mean the show won’t do it, I mean, they keep giving James storylines.

Like, Kara and Clark seem to be the only Good Kryptonians left so like they should probably hold onto some Kryptonite just in case.

Watching this show, right after tonight’s Lucifer got me tearing up, it really dawned on me just how much I don’t give a shit about this show, which tries so hard every week to have touching character moments.

Welp, so long Frank, unlike Bill’s death I don’t give a shit that you’re dead.

Well she was when this aired.

That would certainly be a swerve.

It was nice of the Aliens to let Hale out to go prosecute Oliver Queen yesterday.

I was amazed that Jon Diggle was still alive at the end of that scene.

Also the current head of Hydra.

It was nice of Hydra to take a break from trying to destroy Shield to prosecute Oliver Queen.

That’s a sad team if it is just three people.

Probably because the dudes jacked and they empathized it on Jessica Jones whereas here he just looks like an average dude.

To be fair the Coopers were all already accessories to murder, remember the guy Chic killed?

He does seem to be benefiting from it a lot.

Yeah, they made it for the Martians.

I think Keller had deputies underneath him but yeah.

I just got done a playthrough of Hellblade: Senua’s Sacrifice, a game that has mental illness as a key theme of it’s story and also uses the “Darkness” as a way to reference mental illness and is really good. I guess my point is that having just done that made Riverdale’s attempts at dealing with mental illness to

I mean you wanna talk about dissonance, the guy that plays Prax played the super douchey PI guy on Jessica Jones season 2.