This is what those young Martians get for hanging out with those Killjoys, bad manners.
This is what those young Martians get for hanging out with those Killjoys, bad manners.
Or they’ll just bring them all out for the final battle and nothing else.
Well this shows full of dumb twists so the second half being woken up later as opposed to sooner sounds very plausible.
I assume since Fukuyama doesn’t have a normal mind, that Ptonomy is being brainwashed into killing him so that he’ll be out of the way.
There were clearly people in them every time they showed them.
I’ve never actually seen that so I couldn’t say.
I can’t believe that Dan is the most put together person on the show, astounding!
Also there were six pods on the Society’s ship. So, when are they going to wake up the second half of their team?
Diaz: “How’d Oliver Queen’s trial go?”
This is the shittiest Four Horseman lineup I’ve ever seen, and I’ve seen WCW & TNA’s takes on the concept.
I would think that, especially with Bill’s death, that you would want someone on the team that can act as security, so if Villanelle shows up they have someone who can actually deal with her.
What if Team Arrow just reforms without Ollie?
He was also one of the kids on The Good Wife.
But the Magicians was also 9 PM and they F-Bombed up a mushroom cloud there.
Too be fair none of us knew that they were mobsters until they suddenly were.
Cheryl’s going make her own band of shirtless vigilantes then? Sure, because that went so well for Archie.
Well, that rape story was disturbing when it was a story and I certainly didn’t need to see it in real time.
I actually liked the episode this week, good storytelling.
They do have a tendency to not explain themselves adequately in that area. I mean this show finally remembered that Pierce was the Sinnerman.