
Yeah I think Pierce being selfless is still what happened and everyone thinks that Chloe being in love with Lucifer and Pierce is what’s happening.

Damn, they killed Bill, I liked Bill, he was on the interesting side of the characters.

So what if near the end of this we learn that they failed again and then we go back to another loop where they finally succeed?

No she can live but that needs to be the end of it then, she needs to stop flip flopping then.

Well, they finally managed to make Diaz a somewhat interesting villain, even if that meant making him a sad boy.

Cheryl was also bad but Archie was worse.

Upstate New York apparently.

Also, so, the Black Hood purposefully got Cheryl kicked out of the play, knowing full well that Midge would take her place and he could kill her to send his big message at the end? Is this what I am supposed to believe?

Stephan Amell as Oliver Queen, Murder King

I would guess that Fred would be next since he’s the one who’s actually important to all this. (Running for Mayor and all that)

Veronica and Chuck always had chemistry, it just got derailed by the plot about Chuck being an asshole.

So are we all in agreement that Archie is the goddamned worst singer on this show?

I assume that’ll come up in season 2.

Poor Kary, having to learn the basics of being a human. Well, at least they can cure the chattering disease now.

Season 3 of Arrow, it’s been a while.

Supposedly Legends is good now, but only if you really like super campy nonsense. But yeah the first season of that show the first half of the second season were shit.

Yeah the ending was pretty rushed and Lala’s story arc was a complete was waste considering how it ended. Also they said that Syonide had Dermal Armor but like we never saw that since the one fist fight she got into she got her ass kicked.

Now playing

Well this was a good first season, hopefully this doesn’t go the way of the other Arrowverse shows and go to shit in season 2.

I wish they would have explained Pierces plan as well and as far as I can tell: He thinks that because Chloe is in love with Lucifer, that’s what made him vulnerable, and so Pierce thought that maybe the same could apply to him.

I may just give up on this show along with Arrow by the end of the season, I’m just not feeling it anymore.