I assumed that was her dramatic “suiting up” music. It pausing everytime she ran into a problem was pretty good too.
I assumed that was her dramatic “suiting up” music. It pausing everytime she ran into a problem was pretty good too.
Probably, gotta have one in every universe.
I like Anissa adventures in costuming, with her first losing her hoodie:
Oh I don’t know, we may end up with an underage sidekick soon enough.
While she poorly sings a poorly chosen song from the more then 20 years ago.
That party Valencia threw for that child was lame but she did save said child from having to experience whatever a Riverdale party would have entailed.
Yeah but she’s MIA, having been sucked cross dimensionally into the National City Missing Persons Abyss.
Oh yes they can and in fact I’m fully expecting this bullshit now. Though he’ll probably be Red Arrow instead of Speedy.
That’s because even after three seasons he’s still a Flash character who’s on Arrow.
Unfortunately this is par for the course with these guys at this point. This is how we met first started out with them.
He just wants D to stop being angry all the time.
Goddammit William, you were starting to get tolerable and then you pull this stuff. I never noticed before tonight but his actor is really wooden in his delivery, no life what so ever. Also I’m hoping they don’t make him Speedy II or Red Arrow or whatever because that’s what it felt like here.
This towns size and scope are very inconsistent.
He’s the Dumbass they deserve.
Well, in defense of that one it’s like that’s a thing everyone does.
I’d say Fred, Kevin, and Josie since by virtue of being offscreen so much they’ve managed to stay sympathetic.
Because this shows writing is inconsistent and makes no sense.
*Hermione kicks the bass drum off the cliff*
“Ah shit, I forgot that this lake isn’t that deep.”
It was in this episode that I realized that this show was Pretty Little Liars without God taunting the main characters via text message. I mean with all the stupid plot twists, characters acting dumb and digging themselves deeper over it I’m amazed that I didn’t see it sooner.