
Yeah like, the Lodges are clearly coded as Hispanic but they’re running what’s apparently the Italian mob? (Except none of the other bosses were Italian either)

They probably had met before but this was the first time they were on screen together.

Because drama

So that guy Lady Eve was doing an autopsy on was still alive or something?

If she’s emotionally compromised that she can’t do her job, she shouldn’t be doing her job.

This shows first time interactions between it’s main characters are always great. Trixie and Ella meeting for the first time was pretty damn great as was Ell and Maze, though not as much. And of course Pierce and Amenadial with another really great fight scene.

What the fuck was up with Alex this week? Why did they have her acting all “Grrrr argh, torture this woman for no reason, blarrrgghh!”

Well why didn’t she show up at Kasius’s quarters then.

Right after the city’s air bubble went down the throne start sending off a signal.

Yo-Yo knew where to go. They set a rendezvous point.

So what is Coulson dying of exactly and how does it doom the world? Also I’m guessing that Kasius’s dad was the threat teased at the end of Marvel’s Fuck the Inhumans?

Yeah me too, did she get lost on her way down there? Because Kasius and Future Yo-Yo got there well before she did.

Poor Rebecca, moving forward is so hard.

Goddamned rent in Star City is very expensive.


Boy I hope Team Not Arrow doesn’t decide to call themselves the Outsiders like Curtis suggested. Not when the Black Lightning presents us a tease that’s a billion times more interesting then these guys are.

I mean we’ve seen his murder skills back when he was a half naked vigilante.

Ummm, they already wrapped up the Mikey thing by having him visit Blue in prison and pass the password along. It was the mid credits scene.

Well she did the awful creepy stripper dance so I guess she’s in sort of?

Native American’s that somehow became a biker gang, apparently.