“If Archie can’t even handle my grandma’s fingers, how can he handle murder!”
“If Archie can’t even handle my grandma’s fingers, how can he handle murder!”
They really learned nothing from people being appalled at the Grundy storyline did they?
They broke up Anissa with her current girlfriend and introduced Grace pretty fast. I’m not sure what to make of that.
So I didn’t watch but from the two minutes I saw, Goddammit Barry and Bill Goldberg became best friends?
Sure but it’s not like Kara’s been subtle about being Supergirl, she should have picked up on it by now.
Yeah I thought that they were going to reveal that Lillian was behind both assassination attempts to get Lena to kill Morgan but that didn’t happen.
Yeah it was introduced in the very first episode and comes up sporadically afterwards (Whenever they need someone to play doctor).
Hey! Someone managed to escape the National City missing persons Abyss, welcome back Lillian Luthor (Also Max Lord getting name dropped I guess), I liked your Iron Man suit.
If they can do a very faithful adaption of American Gods on Starz...
Man this was a really gay episode and I love it! But yeah, Lucifer and Pierce playing an undercover couple was some good stuff.
So long Blue Balls, you sure did twirl your balls a lot.
I’m pretty sure that direction is out the door by the end of this season.
I do not remember this guy at all and yet, he’s apparently been present for a lot of things.
The Important Question of the Night is: Who is Frank Pike and why did everyone keep acting like he was someone we should all know?
We were introduced to her by her being bailed out of jail for being involved in a protest that turned violent.
Based on her personality I don’t think it’ll take her long to suit up.
When he decided he actually liked doing crime and he start going out of his way to never stop doing it.
Or worse:
Yeah Jughead needs to tone it down, everything he does just makes things worse for the Serpents.
Yes, because she’s a hooker now you see. (I honestly thought they were going to have her make friends with Chic as a fellow hooker)