
She had a sort of smart plan but she doesn't seem smart enough to pull it off.

25 seasons? God, do you know how long my Riverdale Parenting Tips would be by then?

It sounded to me like a line he made up to try and nicely say he's not into her.

Moves in with Betty.

Riverdale Parenting Tips:
1. If your daughter's boyfriend's father is suspected of murder supply her with a list of questions to question this apparently dangerous man with.
2. If your son's baby momma is getting uppity, roofie her with a milkshake.
3. If your daughter in-law catches you without your wig on, have your

Fair enough, but I thought the show did a very good job demonstrating why they shouldn't still be together. Ditto with Callie and Arizona and hey, they never got back together afterwards.

They were alright at the start but it wore out it's welcome for me fast, especially in the aftermath of what happened with the first kid and it became abundantly clear that these two shouldn't be together anymore.

I wonder if this show will ever attempt to tackle hentai, god that'll be atrocious.

Their getting divorced was one of the best moments on this show for me, up until the last moments where we found out April was pregnant and I realized that it still wasn't over.

Better this than Jackson/April again.

I can understand being upset about it but throwing a tantrum over it is not the right way to handle things.

Were those two on this show before? I don't remember them. Also I'm guessing Amelia was crying because she was there comforting Veronica when she died.

My problem with Stephanie is that she never really felt like she had much character to her until recently. Her getting rid of her glasses was probably the worst thing they did with her.

Of the original batch of new interns, I actually liked her and Shane better than Jo and Stephanie. I think her not being main cast anymore has kind of helped her because she hasn't been involved in any relationship bullshit this time around.

I'm fine with any of those plus Riggs, Ben, Deluca, and Leah.

I don't like her, but to be fair there's maybe three characters on this show I actually like so they can focus on whoever they want and it won't matter because It'll be someone I dislike.

Tonight on Grey's: There were worms inside a woman, and these worms were used as a metaphor for some one having something bad inside them. What was this metaphor in relation to? Weber and Catherine's relationship woes. What a show this is.

The Circle 2: Squared

Well in that case, Goddammit Barry!

Chase has way too much time on his hands, also he apparently knows how to program video games.