
Or did it?

Well it won’t let me merge accounts but I don’t care that much about doing that anyway. Welcome to Kinja ya’ll!!

True, but he's not Jesus.

Considering how easily Davos turned heel I'd say he was never a good candidate.

Well for a guy who was having sex for the first time he sure got some variety in.

There would be no future fights because on top of The Hand getting their asses kicked, they would also be dead.

His gimmick is that he's a master of hitting pressure points and nerves, something that we never actually see him do.

The Hand are really shitty villains, mostly because they talk them up like they some great and powerful world wide organization who are behind all the evils in the world and then they get on screen and they get their asses kicked so thoroughly that the only reason they get to come back later for future ass kickings is

Yeah I thought that he was was brain washed too but no, apparently Mr. Master Pressure Points got his ass kicked.

Or, perhaps more scarily, he was in fact the best they had.

I did watch American Gods, he didn't fuck nor did he say the words "Chill Bro".

I'm pretty sure that Preacher is the only TV show in the universe where Jesus is portrayed as a sex fiend who says things like "Cool" & "Chill Bro". Also who were his descendants inbreeding with?

I suspect we'll be there till the end of the season.

Nothing nice that's for sure.

Man, Denis is going to do something stupid and will get killed for it, I knew he was fucked no matter what. Herr Starr is man who just seems to inconvenienced by everything and can only summon mild indifference towards anything including getting his ass pounded in a misunderstood rape fantasy order. I can't wait to

It would have had to be more then one film.

*The camera pans to the drivers seat where Tony in his best Undertaker voice says*
"Where to Rachel?"
*Laughs maniacally*

Well the minions found her and freed her so I guess he's still alive.

I guess he stayed in Iceland, like even Tony got a resolution (Sort of)

Because they don't like her or get along with her. I wonder how they got her to take the inoculation.