
He's dead, he got killed by Hive. Also I'm guessing Hacker boss will be a villain later on and we didn't see his face because they haven't cast an actor for him yet.

Better each other than Ollie.

Well he hasn't been seen or mentioned since then so, who knows?

He can program his new hands to channel the vibes.

Shea Wigham

"Oh shit, it was my good twin brother working against me all along!"

The streets?

Cisco can dip back into those waters at times.

Well he's going to be in Death Note so if he doesn't die here he'll probably bite it there.

Keep in mind this show is neighbors with Supergirl, Flash, LOT, and the soon to be arriving Black Lightning. It may be the most normal it can never have limits on reason.

Does there really though?

At his gym? Where are Sin, Ragman, and Thea?

Sounds oddly plausible.



Something changed with the guy where he got less stupid, this was also his characterization in season 1.

It is him though, remember the version of him from season1? I don't know what happened to the guy between 1979 and 2006 but he got somewhat competent since then.

That's who the chief was, Ben Schmidt. Remember the dumbass asshole cop who worked with Lou in season 2 and was Gus's boss in season 1?

What a weird moment when Ben Schmidt is the one in the right.

Not yet on the last one, better go with Schmidt on that one.