
His name was "Guy we all figured was going to be either Prometheus or Vigilante until he died"

Every season got to have one.

"What's the point of this Chase?"
"I'm going to turn an arcade gun into a real gun, and then I'm going to have him find this so that I can lolz in his face."
"…I can't find any reason to disagree with this."

I'm just imagining him, Evelyn and Tahlia sitting in front of a computer trying to figure out how to use Unity.

A video game that he apparently made, put into an arcade machine, and then got installed in an arcade.

Worse than THE Undertaker and he chokeslammed people.

Her phone and computers also apparently won't work for her, maybe she's a magnet.

I think the lesson of the night is that you should never leave a webcam unattended.
Also I guess technology hates Carlie Coon as much as she hates technology.

His balls have not improved anything.

Nope, but I'm pretty sure most people are fed up with the guy.

Maybe, than again Chase does seem to have borderline god powers when it comes to doing thing.

Maybe, although it took her a long time to become Speedy.

Curtis is a Flash Character that somehow ended up on Arrow instead.

That's apparently a role she plays in a lot of things.

Probably, considering we never saw his face.

She hasn't really been around this year so probably. I mean Chase is also probably gone so that's another slot open.

Tonight on "Oh fuck Arrow's talking morality again": Shut up John Diggle.
I liked Felicity's semi-goth black ops outfit, there should be more of that.

And then he was Flashpointed out of existence for his troubles.

Never been pushed again.

She went on to become a character in a Stephan Hunter novel.