
I guess, but Smackdowns giving us stuff like Cena & Nicki vs Miz & Maryse and AJ Styles vs Shane McMahon.


Well they weren't paying it any attention so it doesn't really matter if she has the job or not.

Only if they have a Necromancer working on the crew. :(

I can only imagine the gasket he blew backstage when those Roman Sucks chants started. But he's just going to plow ahead and it's all going to continue to fail.

The glare Roman gave the crowd as they chanted "Roman Sucks" at him right beforehand was excellent.

At least she's going back to kickass NXT Emma.


So just to recap:
1. They killed Braun in order to elevate Reigns (didn't work) so he can face Taker at Mania and fail to get again.
2. They ruined any big Wrestlemania moments for the Women's Division by giving Bayley the belt early and killing Charlotte's dumb winning streak.
3. They gave Goldberg the belt just so he

Drama, short term drama.

Yeah like, he didn't even figure into the CatCo plotline at all, even though he's the boss.

Ollie gets high faces the demons of his past and also realizes that the Quiver would be a better name.

Seriously, some silver hair dye, longer hair, and some tanning lotion and he'd have the look down perfectly.

The DEO is really incompetent. On one hand Jon was right to suspend Alex, On the other only her and Kara managed to figure out where Cadmus was.

I would guess that's just her doing more investigating.

It's what they get for losing the Broken Brilliance of Matt Hardy.

Oh yeah, and I guess the streak of Fastlane being a shit PPV continues.

In the realm of WWE continuing to use theme song that have little or nothing to do with the PPV they're on, I hope that this one day gets used for a future Fastlane PPV.…

Dirty cop taking every bride thrown in his direction.

Because she was writing a story about how the mayor of Star City was lying about his missing five years and the fact that he had ties to a major criminal organization?