
Riverdale Parenting Tips:
1. If your child throws a fit and refuses to sign a form, forge her signature!
2. If you're a big time Jazz player, fuck pretending to like your child's school performance.
3. If your pregnant daughter decided to run away, throw her in a religious insane asylum.

Well as one example he's prevented wrestlers from forming unions and getting health insurance by classifying them as independent contractors (Even though that's very much not what they are). He and the WWE are currently being sued by over 50 wrestlers for concussion related problems.

The version of himself that he plays on screen is not far off from the real thing.

She's hunted by Mater from Cars as punishment for her sins.

The car teleports into her living room.

That certainly describes Legends of Tomorrow.

I'm never going to see this, it can't be ruined for me.

I mean, the alternative was that he was going to be Vigilante so it's not like Adrian is a good guy in general.

Well see, he was shooting at protagonists so his bullets went "WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO" and just went flying off in different directions.

Yeah like, why does he need to clean up your mess?

OK that would actually be a very good twist as well.

Jeezus Christ Kingdom Hearts sure is good at coming up with convoluted names for it's games.

She could be leaving, I wouldn't be surprised if she was since she's not doing much on the show these days. Hopefully she'll get to leave alive.

She never really came across as shady to me, she came across as a reporter doing her job. It was Thea that came across as an idiot that was the problem.

I don't think anyone's ever accused Ollie of being a considerate person.

Adrian Chase is David Cain, I don't know this for sure but I'm guessing
that that's where we're going with this. Because at this point it's the
only thing that makes sense in light of the fact that Adrian is
Prometheus (I honestly thought he was Vigilante, well done show
convincing me of that). I'm kind of

So what's the resolution to this film? The protagonist gets to not die in a fiery car accident and gets to date that nerd forever?

Did they say that Clarissa and Julie looked the same? I've never read the books.

So this is what Sandra Oh left Grey's Anatomy to go do? I honestly can't say if this is an improvement or not.

I liked the concept of Kerry being Cary's sentient imaginary friend, That was cool.