He is supporting his son. He is being open minded about something you are clearly not.
He is supporting his son. He is being open minded about something you are clearly not.
It’s been said before, but Overwatch is not a villain here, yet it is continually referenced. Overwatch boxes have no gameplay advantage. You can’t even buy them in-game (on Xbox), and it took months for me to learn they even existed. I like to throw them five bucks during the events in exchange for the hundreds of…
Video replay is terrible. Period. In every single freaking sport it sucks. Why anyone would want to introduce it to a new one is beyond me. The point of sports is to be entertained, not to achieve objective truth. If the ref rules the ball out, and the replay shows it’s not, I’ll complain about it with my friends…
The GOP will say that the victims were to blame for being young and attractive, and that they asked for it.
Maintenance Guy: So there’s a leak in the roof above the court. It should be simple, we just have to...
As a black man living in America, I feel the NFL protests appropriately draw attention to one of America’s gravest race-based sins at a venue that makes it uncomfortably difficult for those either apathetic to or complicit in it to ignore.
We think that because that is literally, word for word, exactly what he did. He literally compared his players to prison inmates, and the NFL to a prison. We think that he did that because he actually, demonstrably did that.
But without that rule, doesn’t Culberson just plow into Contreras? I get that this is the MLB equivalent of the “What’s a catch?” but I think that play is dramatically different if the rule doesn’t exist. Maddon wants it repealed, but then we go back to arguably the most dangerous hits in US sports. I think Maddon has…
Fun fact: Colloquially, saying “i’m going to hit my airplane” in Chinese means you’re going to go beat off.
Cuckoos: Mostly harmless
Update: Sold out. If you missed it, I recommend you check out the reader-favorite RTIC 30 Soft Pack, which should…
worrying about the well being of the species is arrogant now? TIL
Every animal, every living thing on earth affects the biosphere. Of course as a whole there is a balance but everything affects it, and we, as much as we try to distance ourselves from the concept, are part of nature.
All tournaments should have money in an escrow account weeks before a tournament.
The Palm Beach Gardens Police Department has reviewed surveillance video of the fatal June 9 accident in which Venus…
I wouldn’t call it a “disaster.”
Says the guy who was outraged at tennis reporters’ descriptions of a car accident