
some of us just started reading the comics...

in LoL you can be 6/3/17 and still be a feeder... Because some guy

I get where you're comming from. I carry a plasma cutter to the bathroom.

haha... I would have /ragequit at the water temple if you had a shark following you the whole time

HEARTBLEEDER!!! *gathers pitchforks and torches*

Made me laugh. Followed.

that's a lot of points!

The second gif reminded me of Justin from The Secret of Nimh.

I hear if you're wearing a power glove it can go to 900.

yeah I didn't even finish the 3rd one. 1 and 2 are amazing though!

I still have my security token from 1.0 collectors edition on my keychain and it works like a charm.

So how do I check out Kotakus files? This article was filed to HAMSTER... And I would like to read all other articles filed to HAMSTER.


haha same thing happened to me. I got out of the shower and my friend jumped out from behind a door and I knocked him to the ground.

I used to crank up the music and sit Indian style playing all the lead riffs with my Casio keyboard. :)

lol I posted it too. Happy april fools day guys.

Yeah I've built my own PCs since I was a kid (Basically forced to since the first computer I purchased for myself was an eMachine) and my latest has lasted a good 8 years... But ALL my friends game on playstation 3/4 and I love playing shooters with them so I decided to rebuild a new machine in December and get the

Jokes on you... I don't believe in the internet.

Hopefully it's like BF4 and you never have to listen to people unless you want to.