The only 5 minutes I've seen of Grown Ups 2 was of Shaq being a cop and freaking the "comedians" out. It was amazing.
The only 5 minutes I've seen of Grown Ups 2 was of Shaq being a cop and freaking the "comedians" out. It was amazing.
I just want to run on walls and jump into mechs on a next gen consol. There doesn't even have to be enemies haha. But I get what you're saying about COD (even though I loved Black Ops... Tyrannosaurus with a mustache and sunglasses emblem ftw). 8 year olds dude.
I like this one because the more encaged you are... The more red your face gets.
But by then the explosions and planes have left. So it's just Shaq and a mountain in the background and he's talking about turtle ninjas for no reason.
I imagine him looking at the producer/sound guy saying "Are we cool? Can we go?" Then he turns to the camera and says "This just in. Turtle ninjas."
Thank you, Homeless_Zombie. Lol.