These are the two I made tonight... Second one was on accident because I was hitting every button on my controller to get out of the grab, but decided to go with it.
These are the two I made tonight... Second one was on accident because I was hitting every button on my controller to get out of the grab, but decided to go with it.
that's like my dad eating a whole rack of ribs then complaining to the waitress that the ribs were dry...
Bob I love you
It takes a "glass half empty" kind of guy to make "the glass is completely full" kind of movies.
played the Beta with my buds, I played as a tank and punched everything because my friend played alpha and he said he didn't like the class because the super made you get too close. I beat the first boss by punching him in the privates. It was glorious. Get ready to Rez me a lot when this game comes out :)
Also, Fat Chocobo mount is the greatest mount of all time.
you obviously don't play final fantasy XIV :)
Rougue Legacy is so good, have been waiting for it to come to PS because playing with a keyboard sucked on PC.
Let's make House Jerry.
Sup son step up rank 16 where u at?
Texts from my co-worker are comedy gold.
I got this.
Playing as a warrior I would just equip my weapon and smack it with my hero until we both die. I'm also terrible at hearthstone and can't get past rank 17.
god I love that show
this is my favorite
it would be cool if you could throw f bombs