
i don’t remember any of Larry Johnson’s career.

He has a spinal cord injury. The fact they had to do surgery after 3 days is not reassuring in any way, shape or form. There were some reports of some moving or feeling in his legs at one point. Surgery could mean that he started to lose that little bit of momentum; it could also just mean there was never a reason for

Nah. Pizza Hut is the worst, by far. The crust isn’t even crust. It’s like a foam, bread-like thing dabbed with garlic butter and then spit-fired with a blow torch.

What a maroon (carpet).

This is, natch, the first I’ve heard of either of these things.

“Gavin is sure there’s a trailer in their midst.”

Eh, I didn’t find this episode very interesting.

You’ve heard of ‘Broken Window Theory’? Now, Rick and Co. just have to wait for the neighborhood to go to shit.

Psh... just wait until it rains. The saviors are going to be so screwed.

This is like the time me and some buddies were driving down to Buffalo to see a Sabres game. We all met up at my buddy Aidan’s house and we were about to get in the car and, with it clearly in sight, I called Shotgun. Clear rules, right?

this screenshot said it all. I am all of these expressions.

honestly though? who’ll watch the watchmen?

Goldberg flatly lied about how the NCVS was discussed by the author, and what claims the author made. That’s some serious clarity, and eliding over the author making methodological criticisms of the NCVS to claim they “didn’t know” it is downright dishonesty. That’s pretty bloody clear.

Takeaway: There are some dumb MFers at ESPN. Seriously, one person can’t see the difference between the Lin incident (which involved an unwarranted racial slur - that might have been an accident, sure) and a label (supremacist) ostensibly based on a person’s actual past activities?

Takeaway: There are some dumb MFers at ESPN. Seriously, one person can’t see the difference between the Lin incident (which involved an unwarranted racial slur - that might have been an accident, sure) and a label (supremacist) ostensibly based on a person’s actual past activities?

Oh yes, now I remember that “hilarious” sketch.

Hmm Skin Jobs....this was very well done. I like this better than the first.

“its only competent coach since Bill Walsh”

That was a long walk, but it was worth it.