
LeBron has no one to blame except himself. He’s a terrible coach and GM.

That’s ridiculous. Novak has been a dominant force with the best return of serve ever. Edberg was great, but Djokovic is an all-timer. He also beat both Federer and Nadal when they were still great. Quit the revisionist history bullshit.

“You know what I like.”

After the fight, did they put their cowboy hats back on and ride off on their motorcycles together?

We can all learn from Pitino’s mistakes.

Somebody needs to put Bryan Cox and Joey Porter on the same staff together. I’d pay more for webcasts of their meetings than I would to go to a game.

A shortened second season isn’t necessarily a death sentence - Homicide: Life on the Street was renewed by NBC for another five years after its four (!) episode second season.

I put off being salaried at my job as long as possible because unless your salary is very high, it’s kind of a scam, and then even then, when you’re salaried, the idea is they own your time when you’re not at work. You’re not salaried for 40 hrs a week; then it would be hourly. Now that I’m salaried I’m planning on

I mean, it’s not really abuse from Ivy Leaguers if it comes from people who go to Cornell.

Who else hates this twist?

Danny Bland. Nicole is not a fan. :)

The entire season should just take place in various hallways across New York.

Ok... confession time here... I watched the Watchmen movie, I liked it, and before it came in, I didn’t even know the Watchmen existed. I did buy the graphic novel afterwards. I’ve read it several times, and the thing is, I don’t see my love of the movie diminished in any way. And trust me, it has happened with

I think that sex scene is utterly hilarious. Love it.

I think it’s a great movie, and the best adaptation we could have had. Especially the Ultimate Cut with the pirate comic sequences added in.

In what way is this not what you’re talking about? It came out years before the movie.

I really like the movie. I thought the casting was excellent.

I call bullshit: six packs pair incredibly well with Oreos and chicken wings.