

Not the highest quality match from either side, but the first two games of the fifth set had great drama. Still feel like Nadal was playing the best before the injury. But them’s the breaks, and Roger found a way to get it done.

Thanks for the explanation. Always wondered where the term came from.

I watched 20 minutes of the first episode and that was enough for me to “cancel” it from my own personal viewing schedule.

I watched 20 minutes of the first episode and that was enough for me to “cancel” it from my own personal viewing schedule.

The Associated Press interviewed three women. The interviews were more or less arranged by the attorney, but the women themselves at least exist.

This open letter is not very persuasive. No evidence is presented linking those accusing Haggis of misconduct to Scientology. Nor is there evidence linking their attorney to Scientology. Even if there were, that would not necessarily mean the allegations were fabricated; I just mean to say that what Remini and Rinder

Is that true? I don’t think so. I think the only thing that matters is if Manning can credibly attract voters. I believe she can.

Sorry, don’t agree with all the criticism. Chelsea Manning’s longshot bid for Senate will accomplish the goal of forcing her Democratic primary opponent to “track left” as they say on Politico. If you haven’t noticed, ever since the strong candidacy of Bernie Sanders, there has been a real and spirited debate about

Yes to Interstellar.

It was unintentionally funny that Snart and The Ray were so in love, then at the end Snart *for absolutely no plot reason at all* decides to move a whole Earth away. I know it has to do with the actor’s contract, but it made me chuckle.

I just came here to say the actress who plays Iris is the only one in this scene who can act worth a damn.

I laughed the whole time. Actor-who-plays-Jax uhhh...not much of an actor when it comes to the drama. Maybe some fake tears would have helped. He just seemed to be making a weird face to make a weird face.

For better or for worse (OK, it’s all worse), doubles doesn’t count in the eyes of 99 percent of tennis fans.

Carl was mostly fine. The writers didn’t do a great job with their Carl-as-a-teen episodes, but that doesn’t mean there isn’t a rich vein to be mined there.

You have inspired the best thread in the history of Kinja.

In no way equate the falsehoods from Dr. V to the harm caused by Madoff. From the original story, here’s a guy, Kinney, who invested $60k in the putter:

Wasn’t planning on replying, but...

Going to take a break from Deadspin through Thanksgiving at the least. I am not going to support a site that hires Caleb Hannan, author of the Dr.V story from a few years back whose callousness in a story about a dumb golf putter may have led to the death by suicide of a trans woman.

Sorry, Ryan Adams still sucks.