Death Clouds

You only get my vote if Steve Buscemi guaranteed is aboard. 

“but how will you pay for it?”...

boom roasted!

I was unaware that Biden’s issues pertain to sexual misconduct. Just heard he was just a weird hugger.

Its got to be exhausting to write articles on all dumb things these (fox newts) people say. Especially when *most everyone that comes here already knows and agrees.

I’m from TN and this person is an infuriating embarrassment. Its like she was made in a test tube to cater to the fox rubes. Love my state yet still cant stand it sometimes.

That aint done shit so far. Whats the definition of insanity again? 

Wait, this isnt Todd Packer from The Office?

Please do not stress eat CBD gummies. 

Please do not stress eat CBD gummies. 

So you are mad he’s a minority

I imagine thats the scenario for anyone trying to have a *serious thought-out discussion with Tronald Dump.

Got em


We need RATM now more than ever.

You need a chill pill my friend

Exercise is good stuff. Not the cure-all, but absolutely necessary. You dont need to join a gym, P90000000X, or what ever flavor of crossfit is hot. The human body has not escaped genetics of evolution in that we are classically hunter-gathers who developed to what we are as a product of activity/consumption/genetics.

[Eyes widen]

This is fire

It happened.
