Death Clouds

Your point is why I read the comments. Often some interesting insights and takes. I agree with you nonetheless.

Ohhh, I see how HamNo’s articles work now.

I am very sorry to hear about your experience, honestly. And it is very tough, because there arent alot of great options. I have had success with some, but I wish we had more options. Thats why promoting not starting (and not being indifferent to discouraging as this article suggests) is the best practice. Nobody goes

Evidence prease? Docs are not perfect, nothing is, but Ive never met one (I certainly have met more than you likely) that wants to hurt someone or is indifferent to patient care. Big tobacco/big vape on the other hand.

So this article was pure satire? Am I and everyone else here that obtuse to miss that? Seriously, asking for a friend. 

Here, let me send you a “jump to conclusions map” so you can continue to do that without me. 

I agree your entire post 100%. That is why this articles apathetic approach to the issue should not contaminate the general public.

Sorry about your skin.

I do agree with you that smoking is the very worst. Close second is slurping on robot dicks. Change my mind you will not, but I do appreciate your insight. 

But you wont catch me with a douche flute, homes ;) 

Jokes aside I do seriously/sincerely/honestly commend you for stopping cigarettes though. 

Sure, thats what articles on “The Onion” are for, some are rather funny. I thought this blog was sincere, though, and am thus inspired to counter it. 

Ok then. Have fun with your n=1. You win? 

Furthermore, if you go to a doctor that lacks passion and the will to fight for the common good...then, dude, you need a different doctor. This article exist only on the interwebs, its not like I call the author up and provide a verbal rebutal. Arent comment sections meant for this kinda thing?

Im upset/frustrated because I do care about this issue. Im transferring that frustration to internet dialogue, which, I now realize is not that helpful.

(thats what she said)

I can agree about the concern. Money is the great corrupter.

An honest/sincere kudos to you. You are in the minority, but I do respect and admire your success. 

That is indeed a win. I’ll take em where I can get them. However, I really like winning so I am not satisfied by mediocrity, hence the sacrifice of my better years to have the privilege of helping people make better life choices.

Or maybe your point it weak to start with