Death By Sawdust

I always felt that Pitt was probably a closeted renaissance man trapped in a criminally handsome body.

pre-insurance: $2,000 emergency room bill was a problem

sez you! Bidet FTW!

Did you ever fucking consider that because of heteronormative society its just fucking easier to date men? If there isn’t a gay bar that caters to women in your area, and there are like two women on tinder or okcupid, who you might have a beef with or already dated, then men become your only option. Colleges tend to

Yes, you are leading in this particular oppression contest. Keep this up and you may bring home the gold.

It’s not dumb.

D.B. Pooper

How do I downvote you?

As opposed to being a established player griefing newbies? Karma is a bitch. Also tricking someone like this is called fighting smart.

It’s the most enjoyable game you never want to play but love to read about.

Love Actually

weird how I prefer reading about Eve Online than actually playing Eve Online

It’s the principle of it.

Hey, remember when Gawker did pretty much the same damn thing and it was “ok” by everyone at Gizmodo? How’s this any different?

Lets say I hypothetically want to locate these new leaked pictures, for science. Where could I find them?

That’s how I read it too, We inserted a Tie fighter into a normal scene just for badassery in the trailer. We never filmed her reacting to it past what you’ve seen, so it makes no sense in an actual scene. Not sure what’s so hard about that.

why didnt you complain about Obama spending

We do not build carriers to fight naval battles against China and Russia. We build carriers to project air power anywhere in the world, at any time, whether we have accessible air bases with mission permission or not. That is what carriers have been used for since World War II and will continue to be used for.
