Death By Sawdust

“...that your body would rotate if you laid perpendicularly on a pair of parallel moving walkways moving different speeds.”

“Apple is declining in sales”

The amount of manufactured outrage and projection in this article is appaling.

Leggings ban?

It has been reported that the passenger was flying on a pass, and was therefore required to adhere to a more formal dress code.

Exactly. I was traveling with my mom and there was a girl traveling with a pass that is an employee. She was wearing flip flops and they wouldnt let her board the plane. My mom ended up givin her he shoes so she could fly and taking the sandals and switching back later.

They weren’t normal customers. They were flying with passes. As a guy I can get refused for wearing jeans with passes.

theres nothing to understand - none of that made any type of sense. it was seemingly some sort of mathematical attempt to take something vaguely innocuous and attach it to something you disagree with.

Nah, if you are flying with passes you basically have to wear business casual. They will refuse you if you are wearing jeans, let alone leggings.

They’re traveling for free on a employee pass... There’s different standards when you get it free from the an employee (which then you do represent the company even if you don’t know it) rather than when you paid for your seat.

Adding on: the United employee who arranged for these non-rev passengers to travel will be having a very uncomfortable conversation with HR and their immediate supervisor early this week.

...pass traveler...

Lots of tweets, but pictures would say much more. If their leggings were shear enough to effectively be pantyhose/underwear as opposed to proper clothing, I would side with United. It’s unreasonable to assume that just because one of the passengers was young that her parents had her dressed properly. We really

lol. Good PR move leaving office.

Obama approved it first.... Also the House and Senate.

Do you think this has anything to with uncorking? I’m wondering if in practice it would make the top of the bottle more likely to break or chip off.

“North Korea demonstrates their new high-G centrifuge system to help train their astronauts for space flight”

Ignore Orange Minsk, guys, it’s the tomato troll.

Just out of curiosity, why would you not think this was terrorism even if you didn’t know it was Parliament (giving you the benefit of the doubt that you somehow missed that fact)? Man, probably men, intentionally runs over civilians, crashes car into government building, then jumps out and starts stabbing police