Death By Sawdust

Terrorist just killed people outside British Parliament, but sure, lets make this about the American President.

You really seem to know what you’re talking about, so I think you’re the right person to ask about this. I’ve seen claims coming from both sides of the aisle, some are saying Obama never asserted a 6 month ban on Iraqis, and some are claiming that he did. You fall into the later camp.

Those who don’t like it could easily emigrate to Texas, WV and Oklahoma. On the other end we would gladly take all the smart, educated makers and doers from their states.

How does this make any sense?

Hey thanks for explaining that for me. Kinja is a little confusing. So if my comment has been dismissed that means there will be a bright red line to the left of it, correct?

This is my third account. I don’t mean banished to the grays, I mean when I reply to a comment it doesn’t show up.

It’s not like I’m harassing posters or getting hostile either, I’m talking about writing a comment that disagrees with another, then the next day I can no longer post.

This is my third account, the last two were banned.

That’s because anytime someone disagrees with the echo chamber they get perma-banned. Have you not noticed that?

Counter Point: Please mount a spare tire on the back.

Well, spending his money. Money he made selling entertainment that people want to pay for.

There are a lot of hard working people under the AEG umbrella that make Coachella possible, but because some billionaire bought it way up the food chain in 2001, and spends his own money on things you guys don’t agree with,

Shhhh.... facts mean nothing on this blog. They want to wallow in their echo chamber instead of propose solutions.

If Price actually goes through with this, it’s going to cause a lot of suffering, but also, I hope, a lot of very productive resistance.