
Wouldn’t surprise me if they’re fishing for a tax break now. Carrier got one, now every company knows they can basically blackmail Trump into paying them by saying they’re going to Mexico. He thinks he’s a genius but he’s painting himself into a corner.

Gonna have to rework it so she dies in Episode 8. Blow up her spaceship in a battle or something, film the reactions of the other characters. I mean if it’s gonna be the Empire of the new trilogy it’s gonna have to have some dark spots in it anyway. I just don’t see recasting working here and cgi is an awful way to do

It occasionally bothers me that great characters like Thrawn are wasted in this children’s show, but then Darth Maul comes back AGAIN and I realize it’s all kinda dumb so whatever.

9 hours? Doesn’t that screenshot say 58 hours? What am I missing here?

Ooooh, I like those designs. Very spacesuit. I like the tail too.

Most of these people are idiots who don’t understand their own arguments. Basically everything negative they have to say about Clinton can be said about Trump. It doesn’t logically hold up. They only choose to apply the negative to Clinton. The real reason for their vote is NOT logical, and there’s no justifying it.

Weird! Guess he doesn’t want his guests to be able to protect themselves if they’re attacked.

If only I wasn’t so darn poor I’d move back to NorCal in a second. I had a great couple years there.

If you happen to have a billion dollars, you might be able to!

Makes sense for someone who thinks America was greater in the 60s. Maybe he can bring back Led Zeppelin too?

Woah, dude, cut back on the coffee. Try to string some of these topics together a little more coherently maybe?

What just happened. I’d really like to see the end of that run to see how all these bricks magically realign.

He dodges lasers without seeing where they’re coming from. Come on dude.

But how cold are we talking? Cause I’m always cold. Always.

This is your body’s way of saying STOP HAVING KIDS.

Don’t worry guys, I’m sure our new Great Leader will be cool, calm, and collected enough to diffuse any tension diplomatically.

Passing the buck was supposed to be Trump’s plan. You know eventually someone down the line has to actually know what they’re doing right?

This is a weird one to blame on men. Not everything has to be sexist you know. Some things can just be dumb!

Getting real sick of people being afraid of upsetting the feelings of nazis.