So there’s literally nothing to support this theory about Cthulu coming to wipe out a city. Got it.
So there’s literally nothing to support this theory about Cthulu coming to wipe out a city. Got it.
Not sure I can agree with charging the kid for “allowing the girl to engage in a sex act”? I don’t see how one kid can be responsible for another. What a mess.
I disagree with the idea that it’s a mystery why Clinton is disliked but I also disagree with the idea that it’s just cause she’s a woman. Obviously not all democrats are free from sexist influence or thought but I think the fact that she’s strongly disliked by a good chunk of the liberal side of the population means…
To be fair, you don’t actually need a car.
Sorry, but anyone can bully anyone else. It’s the bullying itself (and the victim’s response to it) that gives the bully power. Not some intrinsic built-in hierarchy.
Weird, it’s almost like this isn’t that big a deal.
Sure, it’s tiny for ONE CAR. Even one company. But we have limits specifically for everyone and if this wasn’t heavily punished then everyone would be ignoring regulations. And when you consider the consequences...well, I don’t think it’s being blown out of proportion.
The problem as I understand it is that the gaming industry has a serious image problem with women. Microsoft claims they’re trying to fix that. But hiring women to be oggled at your event does not make other women feel welcome. It makes women feel like they’re still objects to be oggled. So while there’s nothing…
Consider yourself lucky - the upgrade bricked my motherboard and now my windows license isn't activated on the replacement. How does that even happennnnnn
Wait, so to keep a secret about a stealth plane they made up a lie about a stealth plane? Uh huh.
I think they should just reboot and then totally fuck shit up. Kill characters, destroy cities. And then just reboot again! I mean they're already doing the reboot part. Have some fun with it.
This is sad. I kinda wish arrests like this weren’t reported without some sort of explanation. I mean, there must be SOME connection, right?
I think running is a pretty great form of exercise (that I still hate) but I’d NEVER run that far. It’s just not good for you. There’s really no reason to for the normal person unless you’re trying to prove something, which is a terrible reason to do anything.
I feel like I clicked on a tv article and got tricked into scrolling through a football article.
This is a weird article. Are you saying misogyny is to blame? Cause you quite clearly listed several incidents where you agreed it wasn’t to blame. Kinda undercutting your argument. Anyway, I’m not sure what to take from here.
I’ll never understand how this series is so popular. I’ve watched multiple times because I just WANT to like it so bad. But it’s mostly gibberish towards the end and the main character is widely regarded as insufferable. How did this ever catch on.
Wow. If this is how they teach them to argue, a lot of ridiculous debates I’ve seen make so much more sense.
I don’t think weed should be illegal since it’s no more (and probably much less) dangerous than alcohol. But I do think that not all drugs affect everyone the same and we probably shouldn’t be acting like weed is always going to be a good time for everyone involved.
Unless this deal includes a butler to scrub the shit out of everything I burn, imma gonna go with non-stick.
Unless this deal includes a butler to scrub the shit out of everything I burn, imma gonna go with non-stick.
Her child is going to have a harder life due to her color. Who wouldn’t be upset about that?