
@A stʁolling playeʁ: Just for that, Etch-a-Sketchler, I'm not coming to visit you anymore. You're going to have to find someone else to curl up with. Try Diddles, he's small and can't really fight back.

@PowerTryp: As someone living just outside of Edmonton, that's practically an anthem around here.

@PowerTryp: Sheer madness. There are no Canadians on this board, those damn socialists aren't welcome here.

@Back to BTLFED: Go check his facebook profile, paying attention to his AIM name.

I'll be impressed when he can accomplish the same feat on an Etch-A-Sketch.

@A stʁolling playeʁ: I think it's time to let it go, sweetie. They're only going to bring you heartache and pain. (And by "heartache" and "pain", I mean "boredom" and "more boredom".)

Personally, I'm looking forward to seeing how Lexus can manage to make a 500hp, front-mid V10-engined supercar boring. That, of all things, is the biggest engineering challenge they have faced. But, with them being Lexus, I have no doubt they will succeed with aplomb.

@Ash78: You very nearly got coffee on my screen, but I braced myself as soon as I saw the ASH logo.

@Flathead Smith: Did the nurse forget to come around and bring you your pills this morning? I'll get her to bring them over right away... with one of those nice big tranquilizers we like so much.

@Flathead Smith: Did the nurse forget to come around and bring you your pills this morning? I'll get her to bring them over right away... with one of those nice big tranquilizers we like so much.

Up next, short-term storage spaces for husbands, suitable for keeping them out of trouble while the wife shops. Notable features include VR goggles and beer.

Up next, short-term storage spaces for husbands, suitable for keeping them out of trouble while the wife shops. Notable features include VR goggles and beer.

@Ash78: Pfft. Probably half of the Jalopnik regulars are actually older than you, and you're barely a year older than me. And I still use Faceborg to meet my next teenaged future ex-wife.

@engineerd: Don't agree. Every car should have that little extra somethin' somethin' at ALL times. There should be no option to turn it off.

@engineerd: Don't be a big pansy. Next you're going to want your car to have a "Sport" button so you can turn it off.

@engineerd: I'm amused that the "waiting for this" link just leads to your profile.