Woke up / got out of bed
Woke up / got out of bed
Not if Bill Belichick picks him first to be his new tight end
I'm sure the Yale students corrected them by letting them know it's "more rapey".
Now they can fight on their flight home.
Prince is in Haiti not Rico genius
Revelation 13:18 - “This calls for wisdom. Those who have insight calculate the number of the beast, for it is the number of a man. That number is 13, because the fucker can’t read a pass for shit.”
Still not as bad as showing a child anything from ESPN. That’s considered assault on a minor and is punishable by law.
Manziel plans to move to Las Vegas and hopes that the Oakland Raiders will eventually join him there in 2017.
“Shitty Browns release asshole” is certainly the “man bites dog” of the day.
Think about what a colossal shithead you have to be to “undermine the reputation” of the Cleveland Browns.
What team is going to have the balls to sign him before St. Patrick’s Day?
Think of that one all by yourself, did ya?
People in glass houses, Horsefucker.
Congrats, textbook demonstration of entitlement by someone I would guess is opposed to government entitlements.
Don’t listen to that asshat. Spanish/Russian commentary is the ying and yang of sports commentary.
Just stop reading Deadspin. This place is shit. And the commenters are retards.
I happen to think it’s fascinating that American College Football is televised in Russian. In full disclosure, I am also easily amused
Oh shit, you have that disease where you have to click on every video and watch them all the way to the end too? If only there were a cure...
So record the game off ESPN proper yourself. Why are you expecting an aggregator to do your dirty work for you?